Thursday, August 16, 2007

Try not to mess up this place douchedag...

It is with great excitement that we welcome a good friend (read: giant douche) to this side of the river. After years of toiling away in the rat infested land of Allston/Brighton, he has finally gotten the good sense to move to the cultured side of the river In order to ease his transition to the 'ville, I thought it best that we give him a guide and point out the things that make Somerville truly great...

1. Crazy Guy
Now I know what you're going to say, Allston/Brighton had it's share of characters, most notably the late great Mr. Butch. I am not trying to compare Crazy Guy and Mr. Butch in anyway (nor am I implying that Mr. Butch was crazy). Back to Crazy Guy. Crazy Guy has been a staple in the Powderhouse area since at least 1997 (my friends say he was there our freshman year... back in the day... when I was young). Crazy Guy generally wanders up and down College Ave right near the Powderhouse rotary, next to Broken Yolk and the laundromat.

While he may appear, and probably is, harmless, if you happen to run into him try to avoid him, otherwise you'll be the beneficiary of some sort of rant/proclamation for the next few minutes. What did he say? Well, that's a good question.... words I have managed to decipher are: murderer, Jesus, and Mary. Conversation will end with "Peace, thank you", and then he'll be on his way. Apparently Crazy Guy won't bother you though if you're talking on your cell phone (or even fake talking on your cell phone).

2. Broken Yolk
You are well aware and love this place. It has the convenience of being right near my house (more on this later) and is also relatively inexpensive. It is also one of the few places that you can get a pistachio muffin. Pistachio muffins are always welcome at my house (the Jew loves bacon too).

3. 60" TV
You have made a wise choice in moving to the 'ville my friend. As you are no doubt aware, we (my roommate mainly) are in possession of a 60" television. The television proves quite useful during various sporting events. You can watch the Red Sox win in HD, the Bruins lose in HD, and the tv is always available for EPL goodness.... I find that filthy Euros look even dirtier on the 60" tv. You can see the filthiness just dripping off each player.... cynical challenges and referee discussions (Deliberately? Deliberately) are even better.

4. The Joshua Tree & Diva Lounge
Just kidding... that was a trick answer.... if you are ever at any of those places you're dead to me.

5. Colbert Gmail Chat
No doubt you have been frustrated by the slow chat speed of gmail when watching the Colbert Report on different sides of the river. This is only made worse by the different time zones. Hopefully you have recovered from the jet lag. Now gchat will be even more awesome....perhaps same room Colbert Report gchat could happen... although I fear Time Cop "2 people can't occupy the same space" rules might apply.

6. Airwolf
I have the complete first season of Airwolf on DVD bitch! I know how much you love Jan Michael-Vincent and Ernest Borgnine.

Welcome to the 'ville douche.... try not to mess this place up.

Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm back...

I apologize to the 3 people who read this blog over a year ago... I am now updating this regularly once again... everyone rejoice.

Open Letter to Delta...

Dear Douchebag Airlines,

Can I call you douchebag? I mean that's what I call my friends... well, my friends who suck ballz at least (please note I used the "z" instead of "s" for added emphasis and extreme mountain dew type effect, I think it's working well so far). My friends and colleagues have all recently flown Delta to and from various destinations, and let me tell you we all think you guys are awesome. Hmmm... I'm sorry, I grew up in Europe so sometimes my English isn't very good.... by "awesome" I mean "the worst airline in the world, and I'm including Aeorflot and Valujet (yes I know they crashed in Florida and had to re-name themselves)."

So let's recap our recent trips on Delta... oh, remember when your slogan used to be "Delta, we love to fly and it shows"? Whatever happened to that? Did you guys have to change it because it was false advertising and you started getting sued by lawyers (my roommate is a lawyer, and he's also jewish, and he makes lots of money... I thought you might want to know this, I mean, I think it's important... what? you didn't want to know that? are you being anti-semitic? oh Delta, that's so you! While we're on the topic of my roommate, we
really really hate the show "Mind of Mencia".... I haven't flown Delta in a while, as you keep cancelling or re-scheduling my flights, so I don't know what tv programs you show on your flights, but your airline seems like the type of airline that would show "Mind of Mencia").

Sorry, I digest... (I just finished lunch). Last time I tried to fly on Delta you guys cancelled my flight just before I left for the airport and booked me on a flight the next day, and on a flight which would've also taken 5 more hours, weather was cited as the problem. While I understand you don't control the weather, I do find it amusing when your customer service people say the problem was due to weather in Boston (I looked outside and saw a beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the 80s), then you said it was due to weather in NYC and Chicago, both places where I knew people who had already also confirmed beautiful weather. I ended up taking a flight on another airline (Southwest... they're really nice, and I got to go to Manchester, NH... seems like a nice place... maybe I'll buy a house up there) and managed to get much earlier than with Delta (thanks!). It was also fun talking to your call center regarding refunding my ticket (which I had been assured I could do). After being on hold numerous times for hours, I was told I couldn't get my ticket refunded and actually there was no ticket refund/re-issue department. I must have persuaded Delta to create that department because eventually I was transferred over to that dept. and got a refund. I have some miles I can use on a delta flight, but I'm not sure I even want to use them. I might donate them to help our soldiers in Iraq... see, I support our troops.... do you think you'd at least try to get some of our troops home on time? I'm not sure they'd appreciate having most of their leave spent waiting to get on a plane.

My sexy girlfriend also made the mistake of using Delta when she visited me. Just so you know, we're currently in a long distance relationship. Yeah, I know it's kind of hard and annoying, but I really love her, so we're trying to make the best of it. Thanks for asking though Delta.... maybe you guys aren't so bad after all? Anyway, she attempted to fly back to Chicago via NYC, but her flight was delayed (due to weather.... maybe you guys actually do control the weather?). She missed her connecting flight in NYC, so she was forced to stay overnight near LaGuardia (I hear it's lovely there) at a crappy hotel for quite a bit of dosh. Needless to say she wasn't very pleased with this.... (I would say she whined to me about this, but then she'll get mad and probably dump me... and then I'd blame you Delta, and really, I don't think you need to be blamed for even more stuff, you're already in enough trouble as it is). She finally got to Chicago the next day, but was forced to take another half day off of work.... I don't know exactly what she does for work, but she seems very important (she struts and smokes at the same time.... very important looking). I work in non-profit and am not an economist, but I'm pretty sure you made her lose at least $45!

One of her co-workers (they're also friends... they hang out sometimes.... yes I'm fine with them hanging out... jesus Delta, sometimes I think you're just trying to create problems... don't try and deflect attention away from you! seriously though... should I be worried? let's talk about this later) flies a lot from NYC to Chicago and he simply refuses to take Delta. As a result of their experiences thier company doesn't fly Delta (I don't know their thoughts on Mind of Mencia).

Finally, my brother and his girlfriend were supposed to fly back yesterday from Miami (via Atlanta), they were coming from Peru... it sounded like they had a really good time. Once again the evil weather played a part in their flight being delayed and as a result they were going to miss their connecting flight. They opted to stay in Miami. The next day (that's today even) they got to Atlanta, but were then informed that they would only be allowed to fly to Boston the next day.... it looks like they've managed to get on a flight to Allentown, PA and should eventually get here tonight (on Delta even).... so maybe you guys are trying to redeem yourselves? Irregardless, I still think you guys need to take ownership (that's business speak) of the on-going problems and resolve it.

I appreciate your time.... keep in real 2007!